
Härnösands cykelklubb

Cykla är skönt




Härnösand Race


Härnösand  Sweden

July 10  2016


Date: Sunday 10 july 2016

Event Location: Härnösand. Vårdkasberget. 3 km outside town center

Organization: HärnösandsCykelklubb

Härnösands CK - Cykel

c/o Bo Selin, Hässjevägen 18
87153 Härnösand

tfn +46 70-547 68 27

E-post: harnosandsck@gmail.com

Hemsida: www.hck.nu


Class of Event: Elite Men, Elite Women,Junior Men and Junior Women – UCI Class 2

To be run under UCI Regulations

National event including Youth, will take place on the course in connection with the races

Prize list: According to UCI rules,class 2

Points scale Elite: In accordance with the applicable UCI points scale for class 2 events: 1st -30, 2nd – 20, 3rd -15, 4th –12, 5th – 10, 6th – 8, 7th – 6, 8th -4, 9th – 2, 10th – 1.

Points scale Junior: In accordance with the applicable UCI points scale for class 2 events: 1st -20, 2nd – 18, 3rd -16, 4th –14, 5th – 12, 6th – 10, 7th – 8, 8th -6, 9th – 4, 10th – 2                                      


Race HQ: Domkyrkans Församlingshem , Franzengatan 18,  S-87131 Härnösand :

License check, race numbers, secretariat, accreditation, press, anti-doping

Opening hours:

Saturday 9th 8.00 – 16.00

Sunday 10th 08.00 – 16.00 location Vårdkasberget start and finish area


Timekeeping: Electronic timing with transponders will be used for all riders. For riders without own valid transponder, transponder is available from the organization


Jury/Commissaries: President of the Commissaires Panel, Juan Zamarron

Swedish Cycling Federation announces additional commissaries.

Plus swede Commissaires Lars Pettersson, Christer Andersson och Jonas Frodin


Registration: Shall be done latest Monday 4th July  

Registration fee 42EUR or 400 SEK. Swedish riders shall make registration in cyclingonline

Foreign riders register by e-mail to. harnosandsck@gmail.com

Master 200 SEK. Youth 100 SEK

Registration fee for foreign riders is paid to bank account

IBAN SE40 60 00 00 00 00 0 76 21 30 22 BIC HANSSESS, or in cash during confirmation and collection of race numbers 

Bankgiro 937-0693 Plusgiro 47 02 68 - 4                    

Late entries is possible with double fee until 31th july16.00


Team manager meeting: Will be held in Race HQ, Saturday 18.00



Saturday 2016-07-09

13.00 - 20.00 Course open.

16.00 – 18.00 License check and collection of number bibs.

18.00 Team manager meeting


Sunday 2016-07-10

09.00 – 11.00 National SWE-cup-competition, youth and veterans

12.05 Junior Men, 4 Laps x 6,5 km UCI

12.05 Junior Women 3 laps x 6,5 km UCI

12.00 Elite Men 6 laps x 6,5 km UCI

12.05 Elite Women 4 laps x 6,5 km UCI

10.15 Master Men 3 laps x 6,5 km                             

10.15 Master Women 2 laps x 6,5 km  

10.15 P 15-16 3 laps x 6,5 km                               

10.15 F 15-16  2 laps x 6,5 km                               

9.30 P 13-14 2 laps x 6,5 km                               

9.30 F 13-14 2 laps x 6,5 km                               

9.00 P 10-12 1 laps x 4 km                            

9.00 F 10-12 1 laps x 4 km        


Course: Located in the outskirts of the Town of Härnösand The lap is 4.6 km and consists of three loops. Each lap have approx. 200 meters climb.


Race committé

Event manager

Anders Nyström



Course manager

Ken Löfgren



Arena manager

Gunnar Stattin



Race Office

Dan Agnarsson



UCI commissarie

Juan Zamarron




Nearest Airport. Sundsvall-Timrå Airport,  30 km 30min

Nearest Railwaystation. Härnösand central 4 km

Nearest Hospital. Sundsvalls Hospital, 60 km



Contact Härnösand Touristservice

Tourist Office / Touristenbüro
If you are calling from abroad: +46 (0) 611-204 50
Wenn man auf dem ausland anrufen möchte: +46 (0) 611-204 50

E-mail: turistinfo@harnosand.se

Koordinater för Turistbyrån
Latitud : 62° 37′ 54,62″ N
Longitud: 17° 56′ 14,68″ Ö

Invitation: An invitation with further information will be announced at SCF website (www.scf.se) and on the organizers website www.hck.nu in May 2016


Härnösands CK - Cykel Bo Selin, Hässjevägen 18 87153 Härnösand


E-post: harnosandsck@gmail.com

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